The Midnight Crown
- The 2nd Case -
Please check whether you have selected the appropriate country flag of the game at the top of this page (not where you are at the moment). The game content varies from country to country. I.e. if you are playing the US version of the game in Canada, you need to choose the US flag. If you are playing the UK version in the Netherlans, you need to choose the UK flag.
- The 2nd Case -
Please check whether you have selected the appropriate country flag of the game at the top of this page (not where you are at the moment). The game content varies from country to country. I.e. if you are playing the US version of the game in Canada, you need to choose the US flag. If you are playing the UK version in the Netherlans, you need to choose the UK flag.
You don't have the documents for the case yet?
Then have a look at our online shop.
(with phone number):
(without phone number):
If you want to start the investigation without providing a phone number, you can find instructions here so that all the information is available to you during the game.
CAUTION: Click the button only if you have decided to play this game variant.
Game variant already selected or data already submitted?
- In order to make the criminal case as realistic as possible, it is necessary that you
enter your real telephone number ! li > - The phone must be switched on and on loud during the game.
- The data will only be used for communication within the framework of the game.
- Please also give the validation code, which you can find in the game instructions on the envelope.
- If you have already entered your data, you can skip this step and continue with the game.
- For deaf players you can find additional information if you click below on "Directly to the hints" and afterwards at the end of the INSTRUCTIONS.
(with phone number):
(without phone number):
If you want to start the investigation without providing a phone number, you can find instructions here so that all the information is available to you during the game.
CAUTION: Click the button only if you have decided to play this game variant.
Game variant already selected or data already submitted?